👱🏻Let's say Hi

What I believe in

I believe passion drives performance.

My levers for top performance are leadership, collaboration and culture.

The principle by which I operate daily is value creation through appreciation.

In my professional career I have over 10 years of experience in team leading, product strategy and facilitating innovation. My special talent is to discover and activate the true potential of people. Let me show you how to connect people and their skills to opportunities for growth and success with a focus on personal and professional development.

I have a strong passion for growth and change, particularly the people and product aspects. For me it’s energizing to witness the transformation that occurs when individuals work together towards achieving organizational goals. At the beginning of my career as a consultant I created results in fast paced industries with constantly changing groups of people.

After this I became an intrapreneur before I co-founded my first own company because I wanted to turn peoples visions into reality and help them to make a difference. But I left in 2019 due to inadequate culture of communication and a toxic interaction between the founding Team of 4. This was a really hard lesson why to focus on the people side always much more than on the business itself. Especially when discussing new ideas, building digital products and caring about personal traits.

I believe, we should create better cultures in business through learning and development by leveraging the individuals. So, answer your call to adventure! I’m your guide helping you to cross the threshold which are actions that evoke fear, but deep down you recognize their necessity.

Quick overview about my professional milestones so far
💯 You’ll get what fits best for you

Why this is important to you

You will get all you need to master crisis and challenges, period.

  • My methods are easy to understand, immediately implementable and based on academic knowledge.
  • You will be guided step by step and will know how to apply the golden rules as timeless maxims instead of the winning lottery ticket of yesterday.
  • Before we start I tailor my approach to your individual needs, and we start from where you are.
  • Use me as a catalyst who will ask questions and challenge.

   I provide support in a  practical, comprehensive, lively manner.


In my work as a coach and trainer, I place great emphasis on quality and a scientific foundation. Based on this principle, I have selected my certifications.
Below are some of my certifications:

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Your Results

Let me guide you to your next milestone.


For You

Make better decisions in less time, handle difficult situations, better Work-Life Balance, hire the right talents, fulfill your own goals, get next promotion and kickstart your career


For Your Team

high-impact outcomes, intrinsic motivation, respectful coexistence, solid team, reliable team members, personal/professional development


For Your Organisation

Enabling change through key positions in Leadership, cultural enrichment, lower employee turnover, higher employee engagement, efficient use of competencies


For Anybody

Everybody is a leader, but most don’t know how to get it right. Reach higher satisfaction, commitment and excitement for what you do, routines for long term success, effective change management and much more

🤝It is my business to empower yours!

The expertise I have

Leadership Coaching


Team Training




I will inspire you, empower you and help you to make a difference. Let’s connect people and their skills to opportunities for growth and success - personal and professional.

Portrait Maximilian

🧙🏻My Philosophy

Let me be part of your success story!


I believe in effective leadership that unleashes the untapped talents of people and the potential of organizations without wasting everyone's time.


I unlock potentials by putting people at the center, promoting their competencies and enabling them to collaborate in meaningful and performance-driven teams.


I develop the qualities of high potentials and young leaders of teams up to 13 people by showing them step-by-step how to quickly unleash the potentials of their teams using the right ingredients and recipes. With Trainings, Online Courses and Workshops I teach others how to handle difficult situations, build great teams and make better decisions rapidly.

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I can help you in different situations

Mental health is a major concern nowadays, which can end up affecting relations & giving diseases.

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Mastering change & transformation in uncertain times

It will only survive who knows the difference between change and transformation and can act on it.

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Team/Business Purpose

Ensure everybody contributes with their talents and passions for the best possible results.

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